Is Sedation Dentistry Safe For Kids?

If your little one is nervous about seeing the dentist, sedation dentistry from Dr. Shwetha Raia and the team at Shirlington Pediatric Dentistry may be the best way to help them feel more calm and comfortable. But is sedation dentistry safe for kids? 

The answer is yes! The drugs and techniques used to sedate kids at the dentist are carefully calculated to ensure their safety. Got questions about your options, or how we keep your little ones safe? Read on to learn more, or get in touch to schedule your child’s appointment in Arlington right away.

Sedation Dentistry Is Safe For Kids, And It’s A Great Choice For Your Little One!

Sedation dentistry is very safe for kids of all ages. Even younger toddlers can be sedated safely at Shirlington Pediatric Dentistry. Dr. Shwetha Rai has years of experience in pediatric dental sedation, and has undergone specialized training to ensure that she can sedate kids of all ages safely.

We also take steps to make sure that sedation is right for your child. Dr. Rai will discuss your child’s health history with you, get a list of any medications and supplements they may be taking, and make sure that they're a good candidate for pediatric dental sedation.

Our team also keeps a close eye on your little one and their vital signs throughout their entire appointment. Sedation complications of any kind are extremely rare, but if we notice anything out of the ordinary, we will be ready to take any necessary action.

Understanding Your Options For Pediatric Dental Sedation

At Shirlington Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. Rai’s specialization in pediatric dental sedation allows us to offer a wide variety of sedation options for kids in Arlington. Want to learn more? Here’s a quick overview of your options.

  • Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) sedation – This type of sedation needs no needles or pills, and uses a comfortable nose mask to send a mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide into the lungs. It makes your child feel happy and disconnected from what’s happening around them, but they will remain fully conscious. It also takes only about five minutes to wear off once your child’s procedure is over.
  • Oral conscious sedation – In oral conscious sedation, your child will take a pill or a liquid sedative before their appointment. This will make them feel groggy and tired. They may fall asleep or forget most of what happens during their visit to Shirlington Pediatric Dentistry.
  • IV sedation – IV sedation uses the same drugs as oral conscious sedation. However, because they are delivered with an IV needle, they have a stronger effect. Your child will be able to sleep through their entire appointment at our office.
  • General anesthesia – This is the deepest form of sedation, and will make your child completely unconscious throughout their entire appointment. Dr. Rai is trained to offer general anesthesia, but it is usually only used for very invasive procedures, or for kids with severe dental anxiety. This is because it’s much more costly and complex compared to other methods of dental sedation.

Still Have Questions? Get Answers At Shirlington Pediatric Dentistry!

If you think that your child could benefit from sedation dentistry in Arlington but you still have questions about how it works, its safety, and the benefits of sedation for kids, Dr. Rai and our team are here to help. If you’d like to learn more or schedule a consultation, you can give us a call at (703) 646-1805 or contact us online. We’re always accepting new patients, and we’d love the opportunity to meet with you and your little one.


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